December 1st brought the start of the proper snow to Coshocton ... we wasted no time in getting out there and Abigail was in her element again from the get-go!! We had snow for most of the month and temperatures were always below zero (often double figures!!) ... until the last few days of the month when suddenly it turned almost springlike, no coat weather!! (That was only for a few days though!)
Last year we'd tried to teach Abigail how to do snow angels ... but she just wasn't old enough to get it ... this year she just drops backwards without a care in the world and covers the yard with snow angels ... and tries to get us to join her doing them too! The photo below shows her first ever snow angel ... little did we know at that point there would be a million more to follow!

Abigail has been having fun getting to know the new Abigail and her little brother Matthew Swanson from the UK (who we mentioned moved to Coshocton in November). While their parents were having some of their MMS orientation in the hangar, Jenny and her good friend Laurie had fun baking and decorating cookies with the little ones!!
Mark's sister, Amy arrived safely on December 19th ... having been very lucky to catch a plane out of the UK in a small window of opportunity that the heavy snow allowed. After allowing her just a day to acclimatise ... she was on the floor, playing and being silly with Abigail for the rest of her stay ... obviously we had to capture it on camera too!!
You've already seen the Christmassy fun we had together in a recent blog entry ... but we got up to our usual outings that we do with visitors too ... Amish Country, a day shopping somewhere (this time Canton), Roscoe village ... and of course a visit to the hangar!
It was the first time Jenny & Abigail had seen the Cessna 206 which had recently been modified and put onto floats ... Abigail is already turning into a bit of a plane geek and loves to go up and see them all ... especially that 'BIG' one!!
Abigail has enjoyed all the new things that arrived in the house over the Christmas holidays ... but one of her favourites was her easel and paints from Nana Kukhu ... these pictures were taken the first time she got arty ... and produced about a dozen masterpieces without stopping!! It's a regular pastime now ... we have so many pictures around the house that we don't know what to do with them all!!
2011 hasn't started quite as we planned ... but more of that another time!!
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