More about us

We met at All Nations Christian College in the UK. For both of us returning to studying after a 10 year break was tough but meeting each other was definitely a perk!! We have both spent time working overseas and knew that it was something we wanted to commit to more permanently, we just didn't realise we would find someone to share the experience with! Mark had worked among homeless people and drug addicts in Melbourne, Australia and Jenny had taught in Dodoma, Tanzania. We have also participated in short-term projects in East Africa, individually and as a couple.

We got married during our second year of studies in December 2006 and once we'd finished at All Nations, we spent a couple of years living in a cute little village in Dorset. In September 2008, while living there, Abigail was born!

Mark's career has been in aviation ever since he left school and was an apprentice with British Aerospace. He has been an aircraft design engineer for 15 years, working primarily on the Harrier but for the last few years on the Chinook helicopter. To be able to combine his love of aircraft with our opportunity to serve in a practical way overseas as a family seemed to be the perfect partnership for us and so we applied to MAF UK (Mission Aviation Fellowship UK) and began working with them in June 2009. As Mark needed additional training, in aircraft maintenance to compliment his previous aircraft knowledge, we took advantage of MAF UK's partnership with MMS Aviation (Missionary Maintenance Services) in Ohio, USA for Mark to get his Airframe and Powerplant Licence ... training while maintaining mission aircraft.

While lived in Ohio, the first 'American' and newest member of the family arrived to join us (April 2011). Naomi is getting up to all kinds of mischief already (she is by far the goofiest member of the family!) and is loved by all, especially her big sister! 

We committed to spending approximately 3 years training at MMS before completing two 4-year terms in an MAF operation which could be anywhere from Mongolia to Australia. Having completed the training, our first term has actually seen us return to Dodoma, Tanzania (February 2013), with the girls going to school where Jenny used to teach.

A total 11 year commitment seemed huge to us initially but after a year of serious thought and prayer we knew it was the right thing for us to do. There will be lots of different cultures and experiences for us to adjust to as a family along the way (yes, even in small town America things work quite differently!), as well as exciting times and opportunities to help others where we serve.