This week started with the official opening of deer hunting season! A very cultural experience ... all the kids got the day off school ... because apparently if it wasn't official they would take the day off anyway to go shooting!! Deer cause a lot of road accidents out here ... so it's something that is necessary ... but it's slightly disconcerting shopping in Walmart and seeing guys come in with gun belts full of ammo walking around ... or driving past a gas station and seeing a van with 2 dead deer strapped to the roof and one strapped to the back! Definitely a bigger adjustment to get used to some things more than others!
We've been quite slack at taking photos of ourselves this week ... just what we've been up to ... so here's a chance for you to see some of our handiwork!!
In the hangar Mark has been involved in different projects including removing the rudder pedal bar, preparing the wings for spraying and repairing the glare shield which is shown in the photo above! Mark also took his second test ... a mathematics one ... this time beating his last score ... getting 100%!! The question is how will he outdo himself next time when the subject is physics?!
The photos above show the parts of the Cessna 206 Mark and his team are working on, the fuselage, the wings and everything else ... and then below, a photo of a similar aircraft showing what they're working towards ... still a little way to go!
Jenny has been getting festive at home ... making Christmas cards and mince pies all week ... while listening to Christmas music!! In the UK we take for granted being able to walk into a supermarket and pick up a pack of half a dozen mince pies! They are not a traditional Christmas treat here and in order to make them Jenny trawled the town for all the ingredients, from 4 different stores, to start from scratch ... that part took most of the week ... and so far she has made over 50 with the mincemeat ... and probably has enough to make that many again! ... no complaints there as they're yummy!!
On Saturday night we had the MMS family Christmas celebration ... it was a really fun evening (with almost 60 of us there) ... a chance to share some food and get Christmassy together ... there was lots of laughter ... and quite a few mince pies!!! We got a Christmas tree this weekend too ... so now our home is beginning to look festive as well!
Abigail has been a bit miserable this week ... we think the MMR jab has caught up with her as she had a bit of a temperature for a couple of days, that along with teething (regularly fitting her whole fist in her mouth!!) has made her not quite as perky as normal ... but she's slowly improving which is great as it has been quite draining for us, as all parents of teething little ones will know!

We couldn't miss out on sharing some of Abigail's handiwork as well ... it's only fair!! She's started taking every opportunity to draw on things ... including taking the pen and shopping list when we're out which she then won't let us look at ... so inevitably we come home minus one or two things we'd needed to buy!!
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