The last couple of weeks have been quite busy for us ... so we haven't had time to update our blog ... sorry! Let's start in the hangar ... Mark's really pleased as his tool box has arrived ... certainly not something you can carry around by hand if that's the kind of tool box you're used to ... it's definitely his pride and joy at the moment ... after Jenny and Abigail that is!!
Mark passed his Physics text ... and now won't have to do another one until after the Christmas break ... the next 2 tests are on Basic Electronics ... so although there'll be a break from the hangar ... there will still be some study at home to do! Below are a few photos of some of the things he has been up to in the hangar over the last couple of weeks ... firstly some rivet plates that he made to fix the glare shield, and then a before and after of a window installation on the cargo door.
Jenny has been busy both at home and out and about ... she made another 35 mince pies for a Christmas MOPS get together which was really fun ... she's enjoying getting to know the other mum's there ... and also getting loads of local information from them. Two other mum's in her group arrived in Coshocton over the 12 months ... so all the settling in is still fresh in their minds and they can be a lot more understanding of what it's like to arrive somewhere totally new.
The MMS ladies all got together in the hangar one evening last week to stuff envelopes with the latest edition of 'Ground Crew', an MMS newsletter which comes out three times a year. (If you would like to receive a copy do let us know!) As well as being of practical help to MMS as an organisation ... it was a good chance for the wives to all get together ... and there was a lot of laughing going on! Below are a few photo of the ladies 'hard' at work!!
Jenny also had the chance to go to an ornament exchange ... something we'd never heard of before!! Christmas tree ornaments are a BIG thing out here ... special individual ones being sold all over the place, with some people buying a new one every year, or those to mark special occasions!! It was another fun evening full of laughter ... while Mark was home studying!
Abigail continues to amuse us ... and is already becoming quite helpful around the house ... this week she has decided that unpacking the shopping bags is a fun game ... which is great as when you get in from the shops you just have to leave the bags on the floor and she'll pass you everything to put away in the cupboards!!! She also decided to rearrange the kitchen cupboards and work surfaces ... preferring to store the fruit on the shelf rather than in the fruit bowl!!

Last week we had a bit of snow ... but it only lasted a day ... although Abigail was absolutely fascinated by it all ... lots of giggling, especially when the snow melted on her hand ... she couldn't quite work it out! Having heard about all the snow at home we were a bit miffed that we were missing out, but last night the snow came again and seems to be hanging around for a while too ... the difference is the world doesn't cease to function when it snows here ... life continues as usual but just looks a lot more peaceful and beautiful!
Above is a shot of our house before Mark cleared the path to the door and the sidewalk (it's each persons responsibility to look after the sidewalk in front of their own house!). The three of us had some fun in the snow together too in the back yard ... especially laughing at Abigail trying to work it all out and keep plopping herself down so she could be nearer to the ground! We're very aware that this is just a small snowfall compared to what we'll be in for over the next few months ... just hoping it will all stick around ... or snow some more between now and Christmas so that we have a 'white' one!

So, now we're just waiting for Mark's sister, Amy to arrive on Monday to spend Christmas and New Year with us ... very exciting!! If we don't get a chance to add any more to this before Friday we wish you all a great Christmas and hope that you get a chance to pause, relax and remember how this whole holiday started all those years ago!
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