Having had loads of family visiting around the time Naomi arrived in the world, this last month with just the four of us, has given us a chance to work out what 'normal' is again!! For those of you who knew ... Abigail's sleep went haywire in March having gone to bed every night and sleeping 12 hours since she was 3 months old ... one extra bonus this month has been that she's all back to normal again!! (and Naomi now only wakes up once, if at all, in the night too!!). The girls are still very cute together as you can see below, with Abigail always wanting to give Nomi a cuddle, a kiss, a bath ... even sometimes helping change her nappy ... out of choice, she must be mad!!
The weather has been scorching here ... reaching record highs! The heat index has often reached triple figures over the last couple of weeks and our little AC units have been fighting the battle on our behalf (not always successfully!). In the hangar Mark and the guys have been working hard in spite of the heat, one of them said the weather at the moment reminds him of life when he used to work in the Congo with MAF ... that's how hot and humid it is!! ;o) It's good practice for us for the next step ... wherever that may be!! As you can see below, Mark and Naomi have found a way to endure the heat ...

Jenny's method of adapting to the heat ... is to get a whole load of hair cut off!! It was about time for a change anyway!!
While Abigail is just being as goofy as ever and making the most of every opportunity to have fun whatever the weather!
When it was still a bit cooler Abigail and Mark did some baking together, amongst other things ... but at the moment we're avoiding using the oven at all costs ...
... so instead, when they're not outside bouncing on the trampoline or playing in the paddling pool, Jenny and Abigail can be found doing something crafty inside ... like making a pink and shiny life-sized Abigail!!

Naomi is good at enjoying herself too ... she chatters away non-stop to anyone and everyone who'll listen and is often giggling away at herself, us or her cuddly giraffe (who's been named 'Bubble') and then getting the hiccups! She loves playing on her mat!!
We've been having fun out and about this month as a family too ... splashing around at the open air pool ... although failing to take photos of that ... just Naomi wearing her Daddy's sun glasses and snoozing in the shade, oblivious to all the noise and fun going on around her!! (She's sleeping on a blanket that we have photographic evidence of Mark chilling on when he was her age!!)
We celebrated Independence Day, 4th July (yes we know ... we lost ... but the Americans won ... so we get to celebrate with them while we're here!!) with the lovely Keaton family. Lots of fun, games and food in the back yard ... and for those of you who were at All Nations with us, we taught them how to pay Kubb! We also celebrate with them as they have just found a new church to lead in Indiana ... selfishly though we're going to miss them loads.
We had another fun evening at a Family Luau Pool Party at Abi's best buddy's house. The girl's really enjoyed wearing the leis and their toilet paper grass skirts!! Mark made Abigail's ... obviously more crafty than he thinks!! ;o)

Even though there's been all the boring every day stuff to adjust to with the newest member of the family around ... you can see we're enjoying ourselves too and although life can probably never be classed as 'normal' for anybody ... we think we're getting into our new groove! ;o)
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