As you may have noticed in the last blog, Jenny's mum has come to visit us again over her Easter break ... and to meet her newest grandchild (whenever he/she decides to make an appearance in the world!!). It's been a great help for Jenny as it has meant she has been able to have her afternoon sleeps again while Abigail and Nana have been playing and getting up to mischief together ... very nice this late in the pregnancy!!

We managed a couple of trips up to Amish country as well as pottering about around town ... we didn't want to travel too far, just in case!! Jenny's mum was also able to see how our church here in Coshocton ( were so lovely to us in the lead up to Bubble's arrival ... showering us with 'diapers' ... 'nappies' to you Brit readers!
Nana also celebrated her birthday while she was here ... Jenny & Abigail made her a chocolate cake one morning and then Jenny decorated it as a paint palette as her mum enjoys painting!! As Bubble hadn't yet appeared ... we were able to give her some pressies in the morning, enjoy the cake at lunchtime and take her out for dinner in the evening!!
As you can see a certain little person was very eager to help blow out the candles!! ;o)

Having Nana here proved far too much excitement for some (see below) ... very cute ... curled up with Nana under Jenny's new quilt one afternoon!! Looks like we'll have no problem leaving them together when we disappear off to the hospital when Bubble 'pops' ... as Abigail tells us that is what is going to happen!
love the pictures! glad abigail got her time with nana and that you got to get some sleep in! good luck tomorrow!