Our little munchkin turned two and a half last weekend ... and is as cheeky as ever!! Every six months we take a height measurement, this time round she was 3ft 2inches ... although given half a chance she would be measured every day ... she's always asking us to come and see how tall she is!!!

As well as her height developing ... so is her imagination, the downside of which means that dreams and nightmares are coming into play and for the last week and a half sleep has been eluding her and subsequently us ever since. It's not just lack of sleep but the fear of going to sleep alone that's been the issue and then waking through the night ... we're going to crack this phase ... and hopefully sooner rather than later with only a few weeks to go til she becomes a big sister ... so please remember us! ;o)
In her happier moments though she's still loving colouring/painting/sticking ... anything creative ... the colouring book above has the added bonus of being a Toy Story one ... all three movies are her new favourite thing ... and referred to as 'Buzz on the Bed' (Toy Story 1), 'The Yee-Ha One' (Toy Story 2) and 'The New Story' (Toy Story 3) ... all very amusing for us!
We enjoyed Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day, UK style, on March 8th ... for our American friends it's the day before Lent ... and we eat large thin pancakes (like Crepes) not small thick ones, traditionally with lemon juice and sugar! It was Abigail's first real pancake day when she helped cook them and ate them knowing what she was doing ... and she LOVED them!!! We had a pancake feast that night ... making a whole batch, starting with savoury and finishing with sweet ones!! These two photos (above and below) show Abigail with her grated cheese and crispy bacon one ... which she followed with a banana and Nutella combination!
She still loves to play with her buddies and Bri continues to be her favourite friend, who she talks about all the time!! They get to see each other at church and MOPS and often have 'playdates' at each others houses so that both Jenny and Bri's mum can get an hour or two off!! They spend a lot of time just giggling together ... it's very cute to watch!!
Abigail has some funny little phrases at the moment ... she told Jenny to 'Stop Songing' the other day in the car and when Mark goes out the door every morning to work she always says 'Be careful Daddy'. You'll often hear her saying 'Don't worry mummy, I'm just ...', a sure sign you need to start worrying!
We'll leave you with an image of her latest mischievous moment ... when mummy is trying to relax for 5 minutes on the sofa before bath-time ... yeah right!!! ;o)
I'M sorry to hear about the sleep. WOnder if she's worried about bubble even if she doesn't say so. IT's a very unsettling time for them when they knox change is coming but don't know what It means for them. SYmpathy. X