Wednesday, November 11, 2009

At Work and Play!!

Mark has been enjoying his time in the hangar so far! All the guys do different tasks in the hangar to make it run smoothly ... and this week Mark started 3 months of 'opening' ... which means opening all the hangars, switching on the lights and heating etc before the rest of the staff arrive. Unfortunately Abigail hasn't clicked yet that she doesn't have to wake up when Daddy does ... so we're all up half an hour earlier for the time being!
Mark's training is divided into three distinct parts, Basic, Primary and Production. He has already nearly come to the end of the Basic training part where he has been learning and practicing the basic aviation maintenance skills. Below are a couple of photographs, the first with Mark in his uniform (with his name stitched in, in case he forgets who he is!) holding the spark plug tray that he made and the second with Bob Schwartz where he is learning basic electrical theory.
The Primary component of the training has an emphasis on establishing a solid working knowledge of aviation maintenance practices and procedures and will require Mark to do a lot of study at home to complement what he is learning in the hangar. He will also be required to take a written test every 10 days to consolidate all he has been learning. Production will be the final component and will use all the skills and knowledge he has gained in the first two sections of the apprenticeship.
While Mark has been working hard (and enjoying every minute!), Jenny and Abigail have been having lots of fun together! The boxes are all nearly unpacked now, although the car is not quite back in the garage! They have also been making the most of the mild weather and have been out walking most days and getting to know the neighbourhood on foot! Abigail has started to enjoy drawing too ... really concentrating on what she is doing ... she also concentrates very hard on putting the crayons back in the box which is very amusing!

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