Today has been a big day in the Beckwith household ... as it marks the beginning of our time working with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF). Many of you know we have been going through the application process for MAF since early 2008 ... and now it all begins!!
MAF are a technical mission who fly light aircraft in over 30 countries worldwide enabling other missions and NGO's to carry out their work effectively in remote locations.
With Mark's experience as an aircraft design engineer for the last 16 years, we felt that this would be a great way for him to use his skills and learn more too. (If you read our earlier post 'MMS in March' you'll see where our first step will be taking us!!)

These next few months will be spent support raising ... this week we're just preparing for the MAF support raising course which we will be doing next week ... some precourse reading and other administrative tasks. We are then looking to establish a dedicated network of friends who will commit to supporting and encouraging us while we work with MAF and MMS Aviation. We will be looking for people to support us both prayerfully and financially ... and who want to embark on the adventure with us ... and it will be an adventure that could take us anywhere in the world!! Please take some time to consider if you could fulfill one of these roles!
We aim to update our blog on a weekly basis from now on, to keep you updated with how things are going for us. We hope to meet up with as many people as possible before we head out to MMS in the Autumn to catch up properly and to let you know a bit more about what we're doing ... we're really looking forward to this adventure even though it's a huge leap of faith for us as a family!!
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