Last weekend we celebrated Naomi's second birthday. It was the first of many family birthday's that we will celebrate here in Tanzania. Although we had anticipated our container to have arrived by the time her birthday came round (as there were a couple of presents on it!) we still had a lot of fun celebrating!
On the Friday, Naomi 'helped' Jenny decorate a little cake for a celebration she had with her friends. Can you spot the pink icing all around her cheeky chops?
There is usually a playdate with other little people who are all roughly the same age as her every Friday morning. So we made it a birthday celebration too! She had lots of fun, playing with her friends, eating treats and blowing out the candle on her cake and getting some little pressies as well!
Her birthday was on the Monday but so that we got to celebrate as a family as well we had cake and pressies on the Sunday afternoon with our neighbours, whose little girl is Naomi's best friend.
It has been a family tradition since Abigail's first birthday that both the adults in the family take part in making and decorating the girls birthday cakes. So Jenny made the cake and icing and Mark decorated it ... a giant pink cupcake, which she loved! In fact, if you mention the word 'birthday' to Naomi right now, her response is a very enthusiastic 'PINK CAKE', of which she was lucky enough to have two!!
Then it was time for more pressies. We had collected together a few things here in Dodoma and then there were also various parcels that had arrived from all over the world from friends and family! Abigail loved being in on all the secrets of the presents and helping wrap them which was lovely to see.
The one pictured below was all the way from a friend of ours who is working in Vietnam. We've joked about how to write customs forms so that they sail through the Tanzanian postal system untouched ... this is a top tip, write it in another language!
Naomi had lots of fun opening her pressies and playing with them, with both her big sister and best buddy!
All that was left to do on her actual birthday was another family tradition in our house, a birthday height measurement ...
It has been suggested that if you take your height at the age of two and double it, you get a rough guesstimate of your fully grown height. Naomi is currently looking to be 5' 5" ... the same height as her mummy! (Abigail is going to be almost 6' if the theory proves true) So catch up with our blog again in another 20 years and see if it all works out!
All in all it was a fun weekend of birthday-ness that all of us but especially Naomi seemed to really enjoy.